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Visitors are always warmly welcomed at any of our services at Newmanstown UC. We encourage you to visit Sunday mornings and worship Jesus with us. Our worship style is a combination of traditional hymns, praise songs, and contemporary songs. We enjoy singing them all. Both Pastor Tad and Pastor Matt bring messages that are practical and relatable to everyday life.

The people at Newmanstown are welcoming and friendly. You can expect to see people wearing a variety of clothing styles to worship. We ask that you wear a clothing style that puts you into a worshipful attitude.

We have bags with activities for your children to enjoy during the first worship session and prayer time until they go downstairs to Childrens Church during the message.

Many times people stay after church to catch up with each other for a half hour or more.

Thursday evenings during the school year are a time of learning for both Adults and Children. The kids have a tremendous amount of fun in the club while listening to stories, learning Bible verses, playing games, and earning Bible Bucks for their achievements.

The adult classes are a time of both fellowship and learning, where we can be more open, conversational, and inquisitive than during Sunday morning worship.

We encourage you to join us sometime...