Our Denomination

The United Christian Church is a small denomination of eight churches.  We were officially organized in 1877, but our roots stem from the mid 1860's.  We are governed by an Annual Conference held in Cleona during March every year.  There are several denominational boards accountable to the Conference: Missions, Youth, and Campmeeting are examples.  The Mission board is responsible for allocating denominational funding to our supported missionaries and local mission projects.  The Youth board directs denominational youth and young adult events like Childrens Retreat, Youth Retreat, and Children and Youth classes at Campmeeting.  The Campmeeting board oversees the buildings and grounds of the Cleona Campmeeting and ensures their readiness for Campmeeting held every August.  

Each of the members of our Ministry has expressed a direct calling from God first to their pastor, then the local church and district conference.  Following a year of service and meeting educational requirements they can apply for annual conference license.   After another year, following approval by the Elders, they can be ordained.  Most of our ministers are bi-vocational.